Drawing Screw Threads

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There are three methods of representing screw threads on a drawing.

Screw thread representation present in this chapter is in accordance with the ASME Y14.6-2001 standard.

Detailed Representation

A detailed representation is a close approximation of the appearance of an actual screw thread.

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Detailed threads

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Schematic Representation

The schematic representation uses staggered lines to represent the thread roots and crests.

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Schematic External

Schematic Internal

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Simplified Representation

The simplified representation uses visible and hidden lines to represent the major and minor diameters.

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Simplified External

Simplified Internal

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Drawing Screw Threads

Thread tables in the appendix of the Engineering Graphics Essentials book can be used to look up value for the;

If screw thread tables are not available, the minor diameter can be approximated as 75% of the major diameter.