Search for a burial record
Use the search facility to view, where available, the following information about the deceased:
- full name
- age
- last place of residence
- sex
- date of birth
- date of burial
- cemetery they are interred in
- grave section and number - you can view who else is buried in a particular grave by clicking on the grave number in your search results
- type of burial, for example, standard earth burial or cremation.
Other cemeteries in Belfast
- Balmoral Cemetery
- Clifton Street Graveyard
- Friar's Bush Graveyard
- Knock Burial Ground
- Shankill Graveyard
If you are interested in burial records for these graveyards, call our Cemeteries and Crematorium Central Office on 028 9027 0296 or email
We do not look after, or hold records for, Milltown Cemetery or Knockbreda Cemetery. Call Milltown Cemetery on 028 9061 3972 or Knockbreda Cemetery on 028 9049 4500