Fingerprinting Locations

Fingerprints must be submitted to the Criminal Background Check Program (CBCP) on a fingerprint card. CBCP staff continue to telework part time. The office is staffed daily; however, the office may not be staffed during all business hours. We recommend sending fingerprints and forms by USPS or courier (e.g., UPS, FedEx) rather than bringing them to the office in person.

Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA)

The BCA provides fingerprinting services (by appointment).

Fee: $10 per fingerprint card. They accept payment by cash, check, and money order.

Location: 1430 Maryland Ave E, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Method: LiveScan

Phone: 651-793-2410

Local Law Enforcement in any State or Foreign Country

Services, fees, location, and hours will vary by agency. To find a local fingerprinting service provider, contact local law enforcement and ask the following questions:

  1. Do you offer fingerprinting services?
  2. What is your fingerprinting fee?
  3. What days and times are fingerprinting services available?
  4. Do you use the current official FD-258 card? If not, may I bring my own?
  5. Should I fill out the top part of the card prior to my appointment or will the information be printed on the card?

Not all law enforcement agencies provide fingerprinting services, but they are usually able to assist in referring other law enforcement agencies or private vendors in the area who provide the service.

NOTE: The FD-258 card submitted for your licensure CBC must contain the full Privacy Act Statement section on the back. For more information, please see our page Completing the FD-258 Card.

Other Qualified Vendors

Services, fees, location, and hours will vary. Contact the vendor and ask the following questions:

  1. Do you offer fingerprinting services?
  2. What is your fingerprinting fee?
  3. What days and times are fingerprinting services available?
  4. Do you use the current official FD-258 card? If not, may I bring my own? (Note: Cards marked as "equivalent to FD258" are not acceptable.)
  5. Should I fill out the top part of the card prior to my appointment or will the information be printed on the card?