Writing a Critique

Pfeiffer Library

This article provides additional guidance for writing critiques:

Parts of a Critique Essay

There are 4 distinct components to a critique, and those are the:

Each of these components is described in further detail in the boxes on this page of the guide.


An effective introduction:

For additional guidance on writing introduction paragraphs, librarians recommend:

Call Number: Online ISBN: 9780415230131 Publication Date: 2000-11-07

Essays are the major form of assessment in higher education today, a fact which causes poor writers a great deal of anxiety. However, essay writing is simply a skill to be learned. Anyone can learn to express themselves coherently and effectively, and this book explains precisely how. If you are dissatisfied with your essay grades but don't know where to start, read on. Writing Essays reveals the tricks of the trade, making your student life easier. You will; * become proficient in every aspect of composition from introductions and conclusions, down to presentation and printing out * learn how to impress tutors with minimum effort * discover exactly what markers look for when they read your work. In addition, this book explains stress-free methods of revision; effective library management; word processing and the internet. Constructed around typical essay-writing mistakes as encountered by the author, this presents a refreshing alternative to the usual stuffy guides, written in the right language and focusing on what is relevant for students today. It includes advice on how to reference research done on the Internet.

Need some extra help on thesis statements? Check out our Writing Effective Thesis Statements guide.


A summary is a broad overview of what is discussed in a source. In a critique essay, writers should always assume that those reading the essay may be unfamiliar with the work being examined. For that reason, the following should be included early in the paper: