The Emergency Solutions Grant provides funding for emergency services to individuals and families who are homeless or facing homelessness. Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to ESS’ Office on Homelessness. On January 14, 2020, Governor DeSantis announced that Florida received an additional $85.8M in CARES Act funding to support individuals experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness due to financial setbacks resulting from COVID-19 through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV).
ESG-CV funds are used to provide rental assistance and case management, support emergency shelters, and conduct street outreach programs to connect unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness with local housing and other essential services. DCF coordinates funding for homeless assistance through a statewide network of lead agencies, called Continuums of Care, who subcontract with other community partners to fund the direct services provided to the homeless population. Find your Local Continuum of Care.
DCF aligns with HUD in that one of the most effective approaches to supporting individuals to either remain in permanent housing or move out of homelessness is by increasing access to sustainable job training and employment. This requires utilizing a community approach to address barriers to self-sufficiency and employment, including housing instability, job training needs, and lack of childcare and/or transportation. To address housing instability, DCF has adopted the following goals using the funds allocated through ESG-CV: